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"You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should."

- Max Ehrmann - 

Hi there! My name is Brie and I am a 28 year-old professional graphic designer, painter, and art & nature enthusiast. I am a proud college graduate with my Bachelor's Degree in Art with a Double Concentration in Painting and Graphic Design from Brevard College in North Carolina. My hometown is right outside of Charlotte, NC, but spent the past 6 years in Colorado Springs, CO before returning to western NC in the Spring of 2022. In the past several years since graduating college in 2015, I have worked as both a graphic designer for a local well-established Colorado Springs sign shop and a marketing coordinator for a local real estate firm in NC. I am also a freelance designer, with customers such as the Colorado Wolf & Wildlife Center, Colorado Springs Powersports, and Carolina NCSC, LLC. I have worked extensively with print and web-based advertisement design, as well as indoor and outdoor sign design and large-format printing. I also have 10+ years Graphic Design experience and have been working with the Adobe Creative Suite software since 2008. I am always trying to further my skills both creatively and practically and plan to conquer book-binding, calligraphy, and succulent gardening. In my spare time, I enjoy working on building my small business, reading, and exploring the beautiful wilderness that North Carolina has to offer.

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